Primary School “St. Kliment Ohridski” is a successor of “Krum” and “Kliment” schools. Part of the contemporary school building used to be the building of “Krum” National School, founded at the beginning of the twentieth century. The school had four classrooms and a large corridor in the middle. The great earthquake in southern Bulgaria, which happened in 1928, made the school unsuitable for classes to be held in. Then, with a decision of the Municipal Council, a new building was constructed near the city garden. It had seven classrooms and several additional premises. In 1937 the School Board of Managers decided to name the school “Kliment”. These two schools “Kliment” and “Krum” existed as independent units until 1955, when with a decision of the Municipal People’s Council and the School Board of Trustees they were joined together under the name of Primary School “Kl. Ohridski”. In 1955/1956 the school yard was enlarged, new classrooms and offices were built, with the voluntary contribution and work of the Board of Trustees. Now the old building of the “Krum” School is linked to the newly constructed building. Primary School “Kl. Ohridski” has established its name as one of the leading schools in the city.
Primary School “St. Kliment Ohridski”